About Me

Hi My name is Tracy Harvey, I'm passionate about getting financial education into schools, teaching those less likely and disadvantaged how to be financially independent through life.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Goodbye Welfare Goodbye Renting


  1. what a dream!to have nothing to be on welfare and then own far more property than an average worker could ever afford.
    What you have achieved is way above average from someone of your background.If only i knew what steps you took to become wealthy(the method) then i could be successful too.To be a millionaire and having never to rely on government benefits again is really being independent.You've risen above and conquered poverty!I'd like to meet you!

  2. Hi im looking for a copy of your book goodbye renting my husband really wants to own it hes a slow reader and weve been borrowing it from the library do u know of anywhere legit its still being sold here in australia cause i cant find it anywhere. Sorry to bother u and not sure if u will see this.
